Everyone falls down the rabbit hole of instant video subscriptions at one point or another. It’s so enticing! Thousands of movies and TV shows, at your fingertips, and it almost feels free! If you’re trying to wade through the waters of instant video subscriptions, look no further. I’ve compiled a list of the best and worst instant video subscriptions that are worth checking out!
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1. Netflix
Netflix is easily one of the biggest instant video subscriptions, and for $7.99 a month, it should be. It has a vast variety of almost any TV show and movie you can think of. My only advice when it comes to Netflix is not to fall too far down the Netflix rabbit hole. If you watch everything you’re interested in at once, you’ll find yourself waiting diligently by the Netflix New Releases, and that’s not a fun place to wait.
2. Amazon Instant Video
Amazon Instant Video is quickly taking Netflix by storm. It offers almost all of the same options that Netflix has to offer, plus more. It also has a smaller price tag than Netflix, and if you’re a student or a mother you can get a subscription for even less than that. I highly recommend Amazon Instant Video if you’re a mother of small children, because the amount of kids’ shows available is nearly endless.
3. Hulu plus
I have to admit, I’m a little leery about Hulu Plus. You have to pay for a subscription to use it, but there are still ads cluttered throughout the episodes you choose to watch. While that might not sound enticing, this should. Many TV shows are signing exclusivity contracts with Hulu Plus. If you’re desperately waiting for your favorite show to make its way to Netflix, but no cigar, they may have signed an exclusivity contract with Hulu Plus. It may be time to invest in a Hulu Plus subscription!
4. HBO Go
Not only does HBO Go allow you access to all of your favorite HBO shows, whether that’s Girls, Game of Thrones, or True Detective, it also gives you access to a ton of movies. It’s like having HBO without the hassle of a cable subscription.
5. ITunes
As far I can tell, iTunes is not technically a subscription service yet. However, it does come in handy when you really want to watch a movie or TV show that you can’t find on any of your subscription services. If you’re leery about the price, there’s usually always a cheaper option to rent as well.
6. Vudu
Vudu is Wal-Mart’s attempt at staying hip. I kid, I kid, but it sure does seem like it! It’s a lesser-known subscription service, and it’s technically not even a subscription service. It’s similar to iTunes in that you pay per rental or digital download. This is definitely not the option for you if you watch a lot on subscription services, but if you’re looking to get rid of your Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu accounts due to inactivity, this may be the perfect backup for you.
7. Redbox
I think it’s safe to say that Redbox and Netflix have been around for the longest amount of time of all of these subscription services. I’m going to be completely honest, I didn’t realize that Redbox even had a subscription service, so I’m assuming that most people don’t know that. Everyone knows Redbox for their red boxes filled with movies scattered around the country, but they also have a pretty impressive subscription service!
What’s your favorite instant video subscription? Personally, my go-to is Netflix, but I love Amazon Instant Video too! Let me know your favorite in the comments!
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