9 Life Lessons to Learn from Mad Men ...

Lisa May 5, 2012

9 Life Lessons to Learn from Mad Men ...
9 Life Lessons to Learn from Mad Men ...

Who doesn’t love Mad Men? The show captures one of my favorite time periods, the fashion is impeccable and who doesn’t swoon at the sight of Don Draper?! Although the drama shows how far we have come as a society, there are some important things to take note from watching the Mad Men characters. Think I’m crazy? Well, take a look at these 9 life lessons to learn from Mad Men and become a believer!

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1. Pay Attention to Details

The women of Mad Men know that you never know what adventures lie ahead of you, thus it’s important to look your best at all times. You won’t find anyone traipsing around in sweats with their hair looking a hot mess! A lesson to learn from Mad Men’s ladies and gents is to pay attention to even the smallest of details from cuff links to shades of lipstick.

2. Be Spontaneous

Mad Men heartbreaker Don Draper is famously impulsive and never over analyzes things. He’s always up for anything and pretty much does whatever his head leads him to do at the time. A great lesson to learn from Mad Men is that over planning things doesn’t always guarantee success, so be spontaneous and see where the day takes you!

3. Work Hard, Play Hard

The Mad Men of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce live by the "work hard, play hard" motto and it shows. Many of the employees of the firm spend countless hours working at the office, at a lounge meeting with clients or thinking of new ideas but you can bet they celebrate their accomplishments with a bang! An important life lesson to learn from Mad Men is to give work your all but also take time out to play!

4. Dream Big

Mad Men’s Peggy Olson started out as Don Draper’s secretary and then worked her way up to being a copywriter, the only female copywriter in her office in fact. Another valuable lesson to learn from Mad Men is to aim high and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. Many times we think that our dreams or goals are too far-fetched when all we really need to do is go for it!

5. Be Happy

One of the pervasive themes of Mad Men seems to be egocentrism and doing what makes you happy. Betty Draper made the bold move of divorcing her husband and marrying the man who was faithful and made her happy. A noteworthy lesson to learn from Mad Men is to do what is best for you. You don’t have to get all egocentric, but even if people don’t agree with your decisions, do what you feel in your heart is right.

6. Be a Good Host

Do you remember Mad Men’s Heineken account and how Betty Draper had this fabulous dinner party featuring food and drinks from around the world? Well you don’t have to go that far, but being a good host is a swell skill to have when you find yourself having to entertain guests. Another practical lesson to learn from Mad Men is to learn to be a good host. You never know who could show up at your door!

7. Be a Free Spirit

There must be something about being Don Draper’s secretary on Mad Men because it always seems to involve an upgrade. A beneficial lesson to learn from Mad Men and Draper’s new wife Megan is to be light-hearted and carefree. Draper fell in love with Megan’s carefree attitude and we should all strive to not take ourselves or anything in life too seriously, take time to laugh!

8. Be Timeless

On Mad Men all the women wear a very classic makeup look. A beauty lesson we can learn from the ladies of Mad Men is that a classic look is eternally beautiful. Trends are fun and all, but remember that a simple red lip and a flawless face is timeless and will look great no matter what era you’re in. You can always count on the classics to look great!

9. Equal Opportunity

Mad Men’s Rachel Menken is the head honcho at Menken’s department store and does just a good of a job as her father did when he was running the business. When Sterling Cooper was meeting with Menken’s for the first time, everyone assumed they would be meeting a male. A key lesson to learn from Mad Men is that women are just as capable of doing things that are stereotypically left to men.

Did any of these life lessons to learn from Mad Men resonate with you? Although the show has many outdated themes to it, there are still some valuable lessons that we can learn from the show that will remain relevant throughout the years. What do you love about Mad Men?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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