Neville Got Hot... and This is What the Rest of the Harry Potter Cast Looks like Now ...

By Jennifer15 Comments

Thank you, internet, for always entertaining me when I'm bored, for having just the right dessert recipe (then workout tip to burn those calories), and for shocking me this week with new photos of grown-up Neville Longbottom (real name: Matthew Lewis) gone from Hogwarts to Hottie. Naturally, I wonder what happened to the rest of the Harry Potter cast — did they work some magic to end up gloriously gorgeous, too? Let's find out.

1 Neville Longbottom then

Neville Longbottom then

Frequently asked questions

2 Neville Longbottom Now

3 Hermione Granger then

4 Hermione Granger Now

5 Draco Malfoy then

6 Draco Malfoy Now

7 Ginny Weasley then

8 Ginny Weasley Now

9 Cedric Diggory then

10 Cedric Diggory Now

11 Fred and George Weasley then


evolved from the mischievous twins of Hogwarts into successful entrepreneurs, opening the joke shop Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley. Oliver Phelps and James Phelps, the actors who portrayed the beloved red-haired duo, have since ventured into various acting projects while also attending fan conventions around the globe. They've maintained their playful rapport, delighting fans with their off-screen camaraderie. The Phelps twins have also shown a keen interest in charity work, participating in fundraising events and supporting multiple causes, proving they are just as heartwarming in real life as their on-screen personas.

12 Fred and George Weasley Now

13 Ron Weasley then

14 Ron Weasley Now

15 Harry Potter then

16 Harry Potter Now

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