7 Reasons to Watch the Carrie Diaries Regardless of Your Age ...

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There are so many reasons to watch The Carrie Diaries, no matter your age. Whether you loved Sex and the City when it was on the air, or have just started watching the show, The Carrie Diaries is one of the greatest prequels television has ever seen, and you need to watch it. The characters are well developed, as are the storylines, but these are just a few reasons to watch The Carrie Diaries. You’ll quickly find yourself addicted to this show after only a few episodes.

1 The Fashion

The FashionWho doesn’t love some good fashion throwbacks now and then? The Carrie Diaries is great for when you want to relive the fashion of the '80s. I personally love the fashion because even though they do a great job of keeping it in the correct time period, it still feels updated and in style for 2014! Style envy is, in my opinion, of my favorite reasons to watch The Carrie Diaries.

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2 The Prequel Easter Eggs

I, like the rest of the world, love a good Easter egg, and The Carrie Diaries is full of them. Because it’s a prequel to a well-developed show, it’s easy to find anything that comes up again on Sex and the City. Carrie’s starting to meet her best friends, and so far we’ve met Samantha. Seeing both of those girls in their younger years isn’t the only Easter egg, though. My personal favorite happens in the season two premiere: if you look closely you can see a young Mr. Big walking into a club. Fun little surprises like that are reason enough to watch the show, at least in my opinion.

3 The Topical Plotlines

Plotlines that would be so overused and overdone in a teenage drama are suddenly fresh and renewed in a new setting. It’s easy to forget a lot of the issues teenagers went through in the 1980s, because oftentimes they’re not issues today. Watching a teenage boy come out of the closet and then get kicked out of his home is foreign in 2014, but not in 1985.

4 Sebastian Kydd

One of the reasons I held off on watching The Carrie Diaries was her relationship with Sebastian. I didn’t understand the point of the relationship if we knew that the series would end with their inevitable break up. We know what happens after, so why were so many teenage girls so invested in their relationship? Then I watched it and I understood. Sebastian Kydd is the bad boy every girl wants to change, and a reason in and of itself to start watching The Carrie Diaries.

5 Young Carrie

Everyone has hated Carrie Bradshaw at one point or another, even if you deem yourself a “Carrie.” The Carrie Diaries showcases the Carrie we all love to hate in a completely new light. She’s not nearly as annoying or self-involved, but she definitely shows promise to become the Carrie we meet in season one of Sex and the City.

6 It Fills the Sex and the City Void

If you’re still missing Sex and the City, regardless of your age, and the second movie just didn’t cut it for you, this show is sure to fill the void. It’s like hanging out with old friends (and some new friends), and Miranda and Charlotte are already in talks to be introduced into the show, so it’s only a matter of time before the girls are back together!

7 The Drama

I’m not usually a fan of dramas, but this show does it so well that I think I’ve been converted. You become emotionally invested in the characters’ lives and really worry about all of the improbable situations they’re put in. The Carrie Diaries is admittedly less comedy and more drama compared to Sex and the City, but it’s honestly a welcome change!

Do you watch The Carrie Diaries? What’s your favorite part about it? Let me know in the comments!

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