7 Reasons Why You May Not Identify with the TV Show Girls ...

Ellie Mar 8, 2014

Everyone raves about the TV show Girls. It's received numerous awards, critical acclaim and Lena Dunham is now the poster child for twenty-something women. Let me say first that I really enjoy the show - however, I really don't think it is anywhere near as representative of me or the people I know as it's apparently meant to be. It really annoys me when people make out it's exactly like reality, because it isn't. I don't particularly identify with the TV show Girls and here's why.

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1. Swanky Apartments

The TV show Girls is, of course, a TV show and it's not going to be totally realistic. But, when a series gets as much credit for realism as Girls has, I expect it to be a little more true to life. In the real world, if you don't have a job or you're working in a coffee shop, you're doing one of three things: moving back home immediately, living in an apartment that barely meets health and safety regulations or your parents are paying your rent. You definitely aren't living in the apartments that the women in Girls are living in.

2. Free Spirit

Ok, so lots of people have that friend who just won't be tied down and is always planning where they'll flit off to next - like Jessa. On the other hand, they work when they're not travelling, save for months before they can go and don't generally come back married to a very wealthy businessman. When does that happen?!

3. The Men

Speaking of wealthy businessmen, am I the only person who thinks men are represented a bit unfairly in the series? They're either sociopaths or sappy. Oh, and conveniently most of them are also very successful (funny how Charlie went from a bit of a loser to the next Mark Zuckerberg overnight, wasn't it?). In reality, most men I've met have really just been like us.

4. Drugs

This is one thing that I really hate about the show - when the lead characters experiment with drugs. Yes, some people do that. Lots of people expressly do not and I don't think this is the message that comes across.

5. Warehouse Parties

Let's be honest, the girls in Girls? They're cool. Even quirky Shoshanna. Going to warehouse parties in New York and hanging out in art galleries? Archetypal cool. Most people I know are more likely to be in the pub on a Friday night.

6. Landing on Their Feet

Being offered a book deal out of nowhere, working in art curation - despite all the emphasis placed on rubbish, underpaid jobs, their dream careers seem to come to them more easily than they should. People work for years before they reach those places, not months.

7. Privileged

Perhaps the series does represent my generation - but I think it's only a select part of it. The four characters, like the four actresses who play them, appear to have come from comfortable families who have the means to support them. This certainly is not always the case and the show is rarely, if ever, representative of that.

Despite all of the above, I think it's a great show and parts of it, like the friendships and the feeling of being a bit lost, I definitely can identify with. But overall, it's just a TV show. I don't know anyone whose life is actually like that. What do you think?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I think all shows that "represent" us are meant to be OTT, in an " I wish " kinda way. But I appreciate that it does paint an unrealistic picture of the generation to older people.

What is with the "I am prettier" comment? How is that even relevant? If you don't want to give a serious opinion, don't add anything...so stupid.

I refuse to give my age and I admit I was prepared to hate this show...but I don't, I think it's great and I think Lena Dunham is really breaking down barriers, and breaking new ground! No one has mentioned that the show is at times hilarious, and exceptionally well-written. A viewer really has to pay attention to what the characters say, and when and where they make some of the most outrageous and inappropriate comments! The beauty of the show is that many of these comments are simply accepted and the dialogue moves forward. It's been a long time since I've watched such a well-written comedy...and of course it isn't just a comedy, there are always more subtle serious things going on...I think Dunham's willingness to show just how debilitating OCD is, given that she actually suffers from this disorder, was both brave and brilliant. And then there is body image. Finally a female star who does not have a perfect face and a perfect body, and she makes viewers look at her, flaws and all! Does this make her less attractive? Not in my eyes! I admire how she skews preconceptions, usually at her own expense. The episode where she wore that ill-fitting blue bikini was in so many ways difficult to watch, but it rang true for me...and this is not my generation, or any generation close to mine. People either like a show or they don't, but I love this show, I love the characters, all of whom are flawed beyond belief, but not so much that you cannot at least try to understand their insecurities. I am old enough to know that no show or movie can "represent" a generation, every generation faces it's own set of problems and life dilemmas; I don't always "get it" with Girls...but the show is so well done that it makes no difference.

I think the show would benefit more from being realistic. It's a good show, but it's not where it could be. I appreciate this post because it makes that apparent. Thanks for writing!

I am prettier....

Its not meant to be realistic, its meant to express the chaotic nature of your late 20's. When all of us are too young to be old and experienced and too old to have the excuse of youth... A time when times itself doesn't quite have a place for us in our journey, and everyone seems to be taking off from the starting point at the blast from different guns. Its meant to express the humility, humanity and humbling nature of this age in this day and age. ;) or so I believe

Disagree. This show is great.

It seems like you are basing the contents of this article on your own personal experiences. Although you may not identify with the girls from GIRLS, I do know that there ARE people out there who DO share similar experiences and who can very much identify with some of the going ons in the show.

In the title you talk about not being able to identify with the show but in the article it comes off as you believing it is not realistic at all. Only because 'most people you know' are not like that, doesn't mean there aren't people like the characters of Girls out there. That's why I like it.. The show is very different and the characters are very UNIQUE.

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