17 Signs Cristina Yang is Secretly Your Soul Sister ...


Cristina Yang is my soul sister. She is my favorite character in all of TV history and I wish I could grow up to be exactly like her. I don't care if she's a fictional character, either. Sandra Oh made her real. If I could be friends with Sandra Oh, I would probably promptly ruin our friendship by asking if we could have Cristina Yang Hour every single day. If Yang is your soul sister, too, you will feel all the feels by the end of this. Ready, set, DANCE IT OUT!

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She Knows What's Really Important

She Knows What's Really Important This is probably my favorite Yang quote ever. She delivers so much sass when she says it, too – my sister knows she is beyond smart. She is a genius. She is a superstar.


When She Lets Go, She Lets Go

When She Lets Go, She Lets Go I bet you do the same thing, don't you? You hold all your stuff together for so long, and then everything comes out in a torrent.


She's Bluntly Honest

She's Bluntly Honest Just like you, she's not afraid to ask the hard questions. Or the inappropriate ones.


Just Way Too Honest

Just Way Too Honest But it's charming, right? When you're too honest? Whatever, girls like us just don't have time for the BS.


She's Always Thinking, All the Time

She's Always Thinking, All the Time You know how that feels, right? I always feel incapable of turning off my mind. I need a McDreamy to take me fishing.

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She Doesn't Fit into Boxes

She Doesn't Fit into Boxes You don't, either. Trying to fit a butterfly into a box will just suffocate it. You'll feel freer without it – just like Cristina!


She's Not as Cold as She Appears

Just because she's a little antisocial, it doesn't mean she wants to be alone. You know how that feels, right?


She Knows How Important It is …

She Knows How Important It is … … to DANCE IT OUT!


She Has No Time for Foolishness

She Has No Time for Foolishness Copy this gesture anytime you don't have time for foolishness either.


She Understands the Struggle of Resting Bitch Face

She Understands the Struggle of Resting Bitch Face Except it's not really a struggle for Yang. She makes no apologies, she just uses her RBF to her advantage. Be more like Cristina.


Tee Hee Hee

Tee Hee Hee See?


She Gets Mean when She's Tired

She Gets Mean when She's Tired Same. Heather makes the same face Meredith is making when I apologize.


The Holidays Stress Her out

The Holidays Stress Her out You know what it's like to need alcohol this badly. You know. Even if you don't drink, you still know.


She's a Pretty Solid Realist

She's a Pretty Solid Realist So many things are easier in theory than in practice. Sigh.


She Doesn't Accept Crap

She Doesn't Accept Crap Even better, she encourages other people to stop taking crap. Again, be more like Cristina!


Her Internal Monologue is Savage

Her Internal Monologue is Savage And if people knew what you were thinking, they'd probably be scared of you, right? No? Just me?


But Not as Savage as What She Says out Loud

Confession: I've always wanted to say that to someone. It's so mean.

How are your feels? Who's joining my Yang sisterhood?

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