I'm going to share with you the lesson Black Panther teaches us about helping others. Last weekend Black Panther hit the theaters in North America with a record-breaking $218 million at the box office. It’s definitely strength in numbers. Many people came out to support this barrier-breaking film.
This just happens to be one of the most powerful superhero movies yet. This Wakanda (Africa) based superhero film was very creative in characterizing and placing a not so ideal emphasis on topics that we face in today’s society. One that I would like to speak on is our obligation to help others when we are in a position to. This is the lesson Black Panther teaches us about helping others.
Now this can be on a small or large spectrum. Small can simply mean as little as putting the neighbor’s trash can back after it is empty on trash day or giving that homeless person on the corner a dollar. Large can mean being in a position to create change and actually provide words of wisdom and action to set forth the change. In today's society, we let little things distract us from what’s important. The community needs to make an effort to come together all the time, not just when something tragic happens.
When it needs to be some sense of moral compass and compassion to help others who are less fortune. This weekend it hits the $700 million mark at box offices. This message of helping others is reaching millions across the world. It’s one of those movies you can definitely see twice and get more out of it the second time than the first. This will definitely be added to my movie collection when it hits DVD.
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