7 Things I Learned from Hello Dolly ...


7 Things I Learned from Hello Dolly ...
7 Things I Learned from Hello Dolly ...

With all the things I learned from Hello Dolly, I am not at all surprised that it is one of the most popular movies ever created. This film gem has Gene Kelly directing, Barbara Streisand singing, and Walter Matthau being old. Then, you have the costumes, the dancing, and the enigmatic Dolly. It's a film masterpiece, and here are just a few things I learned from Hello Dolly.

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1. Do What You Love

"With me, business is always a pleasure." Dolly sure does know how to love what she does, and she is happier because of it. Hello Dolly shows me how important it is to love what you do. We better love our profession since it is what we spend most our lives doing! This is the most important of the things I learned from Hello Dolly.

2. Give

"Money, pardon the expression, is like manure. It's not worth a thing unless it's spread around, encouraging young things to grow." This is one of my favorite quotes from Hello Dolly. It is so funny and so true; one of the best parts of getting is being able to give back.

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3. Be Nice

There is not one person Dolly Levi is ever rude to. Sometimes, it is easier to be short with a person than it is to be nice. Those are the times that I think of Dolly Levi and her enigmatic personality. She knows how to make people smile and that's a whole lot better than knowing how to make people sad.

4. Work Smart

"If you have to live hand to mouth, you better be ambidextrous." Dolly Levi is one of the the hardest workers of any female character from the 1960s. But, better than working hard, she knows how to work smart. Working with brains is always better than working our brains out.

5. Have an Adventure

Whether it be going to New York City for a night, or out with some friends, Hello Dolly has taught me the importance of a life filled with adventure. I think anyone who has watched the scene in the Harmonia Gardens will agree that life is a bit more fun when we go off the beaten path. This does not mean I will be going out Hangover style, but some unexpected fun sure beats working all day and staying in all night... even when a blanket and some Dr. Who seems to be the perfect prescription.

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6. Dress up when You Feel down

"There is no Monday in your Sunday clothes." We all have those days where nothing seems right and we just feel blah. A great way to fight those feelings is to look good. Chances are, you will start feeling better if you think you look better. Do a little extra for make-up and wear that favorite outfit - you will be sunny in no time! ​

7. Go for It?

No one can say Dolly Levi does not go after what she wants. Putting yourself out there and taking a chance can be scary, but not as scary as the alternative. The good thing is, the worst that can happen is someone says "no," and really, it that so bad? As Woody Allen puts it, "80% of success is showing up."

There are so many wonderful parts to Hello Dolly. The music is fantastic and the story is comfort food material. What are some movies that you cannot get enough of?

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"There's no blue Monday in your Sunday clothes" It was misquoted...

Love this movie. Dolly Levi so wise.

Great insights!!! My daughter and I love this movie!!!

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