Are These the Most Annoying Movie Characters Ever?


Don’t some movie characters just grind your gears? Of course, it’s just like in real life when some people just irritate you to the point of making your teeth itch. Movie characters are loved by their creators – or at least they must believe they bring value to the story – but sometimes we just can’t stand them. Useless, whiny, boring, pointless … like these:

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1. Jar-Jar Binx (Star Wars Episodes I and II)

Jar-Jar Binx (Star Wars Episodes I and II) Sitting proudly on top of the all time list of annoying movie characters is definitely Jar-Jar Binx, just one of the many things that was wrong with the ill-judged and misguided Star Wars prequels! Everything about Jar Jar was annoying from his stupid voice to his frustratingly clumsy nature. If George Lucas thought we were going to love Jar-Jar as much as R2-D2 or C3PO then he was sadly mistaken! Hopefully the new batch of Star Wars movies will make it up to us.

2. Bella Swan (Twilight Series)

Bella Swan (Twilight Series) She may have been the series’ main character, but Bella Swan played by Kristen Stewart was one hell of an annoying girl! From her moody, emo attitude to her inability to pick between Edward and Jacob for what seemed like an eternity, Bella never seems to be guided by any single motivation but more just allows herself to be swept along with whoever is closer at the time. Get it together Miss Swan, you are frustrating to watch!

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3. Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter Series)

Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter Series) Sure, we definitely get to see a different side to Draco in the later of the Harry Potter films, but geez, for the first five at least, he is one of the most annoying and insufferable characters in the entire magical universe! His petty jealousy of Harry’s superior skills, both in terms of popularity and prowess on the quidditch field, prove to be his downfall again and again, and he is constantly made to look a fool.

4. William Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean Series)

William Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean Series) He may have been played by the delicious looking Orlando Bloom, but there is no doubt that William Turner turned in to a seriously annoying character over the course of his stint in Pirates Of The Caribbean. He started to sound like a broken record every time he vehemently denied the fact that his father was a pirate, and though he finally did accept his place in life, the conclusion wasn’t satisfying enough to forgive all of his whining for the two and half movies!

5. Patty Simcox (Grease)

Patty Simcox (Grease) We all knew a Patty Simcox at school; the straight A, good as gold girl who thought she was better than everyone. For some reason in Grease, Patty still seems to be able to hang out with some of the cooler kids, but compared to the Pink Ladies, she is pretty low down on the popularity list, and her temper tantrum at the school dance proves how annoying she is!

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6. Scarlett O’Hara (Gone with the Wind)

Scarlett O’Hara (Gone with the Wind) She may be the lead character in one of the best movies of all time, but there is no denying that Scarlett O’Hara is completely annoying! She is extremely self-centred and pretty much whines and complains throughout the entire film, and this is long, long film!

7. Wendy Torrance (the Shining)

Wendy Torrance (the Shining) Sure, Wendy does have a rough time in The Shining, spending much of it trying to escape from her murderous husband, but does she really have to do it in such an annoying way? Hey, Wendy, if you’d have spent a bit more time thinking and a bit less time screaming your head off every five seconds, then you might have escaped a little earlier and you wouldn’t need to get a new bathroom door!

Which movie characters do you find most annoying?

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Two thumbs down

My vote goes to Jar Jar

Jar Jar Binx is seriously by far the most annoying movie character! Also Mac from "Mac and Me" which is one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen! A good friend rented it and I sat through it for her. 😫

I disagree with all of these. This article is just plain terrible and rude.


I loooove Scarlett O'hara

I love Jar Jar. There, I said it. And I'm not ashamed. Ha ha.

Bella Swan is d most boring character! Sometimes wonder how Edward might've survived forever with her

Jar Jar is very annoying but somehow I now can't imagine the movies without him. Maybe he's endearing and grows on you after you watch the movies countless times lol

Eponine - what a ridiculous statement. Just because you disagree doesn't make something terrible. And it's not rude. That's an incredibly narrow minded point of view.

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