'Hey Arnold' Characters All Grown up Who Had the Biggest Transformation?


Nuri Durr, an Atlanta-based, ridiculously talented artist drew up a series of the Hey Arnold cast, all grown up! If you were a big fan of the show, you're in for a real treat. Durr drew fan-favorites like Arnold and Helga but he didn't forget about the supporting characters like Rhonda, Gerald, Sid, and even Stoop Kid! Honestly, if a new series emerged from it, I'd be one happy camper. You hear that, Nickelodeon? Check out Durr's series and follow him on Instagram (@actionhankbeard) to see more of his drawings!

Snapshot Survey

Do you prefer texting or calling to communicate?

1. Rhonda

Rhonda Lots of class. Lots of sass.

2. Lila

Lila Lila didn't lose her cute sense of fashion!

3. Gerald

Gerald Gerald's just as cool as ever.

4. Brainy

Brainy Brainy just being Brainy!

5. Big Patty

Big Patty What do you think of Big Patty's grown up look?

6. Phoebe

Phoebe Phoebe's still her cute and quirky self!

7. Harold

Harold Harold grew up to be a butcher!

8. Nadine

Nadine Nadine's always been effortlessly cool.

9. Eugene

Eugene Looking stylish, Eugene!

10. Sheena

Sheena Sheena's got a pretty cool wardrobe.

11. Stinky

Stinky Stinky went into the music biz!

12. Stoop Kid

Stoop Kid Stoop Kid away from his stoop?!

13. Sid

Sid Oh, Sid...

14. Helga

Helga LOL, do you think Helga would've ended up with a floral tattoo sleeve?

15. Arnold

Arnold Lastly, we have Arnold. Keeping it professional, huh?

You can check out Nuri's website at actionhankbeard.bigcartel.com!

h/t: elitedaily.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Helga got a raw deal, I read in another article that about this art that she's a bartender supporting her terrible parents when everyone is massively successful. It's a bummer

Love it!!

Love it, I wish they bring this show back..

Did not like how Helga ended up, why is she not better looking than Lila? And Arnold wouldn't be that hipster'y

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