9 Reasons Austin Powers is Awesome ...


9 Reasons Austin Powers is Awesome ...
9 Reasons Austin Powers is Awesome ...

I have a confession to make. I love Austin Powers – every movie, the character himself, the characters within the movies, I love it all. Austin’s been much in my mind lately because I’ve been watching Goldmember nonstop, plus rumors are again on the rise that there’s going to be a fourth movie, focusing on Scott Evil. Yeah, baby! But lest you think I’m weird without explanation, here are some of the main reasons Austin Powers is awesome.

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Austin Himself

Okay, so I love Mike Myers. I know some of his stuff is lowbrow, but I think he’s a comedic genius – and Austin himself is one of my favorite characters. One of the reasons Austin Powers is awesome is because, you know, he’s not attractive at all … and yet I do think he’s sexy, baby, yeah. I don’t know, I think it’s the accent. And the outfits. Those are just fabulous.


Dr. Evil

Without question, however, Dr. Evil is my favorite character. Do you know what’s really messed up? I think he’s kind of hot too. I don’t know, I think it’s the accent. Seriously, I’m always into the evil geniuses, and there’s something charismatic and … eeevil, about Dr. Evil. And though I know they’re only contacts, those eyes are awesome.


Scott Evil

Seth Green needs to marry me. I love this kid. As Scott Evil, he’s superb – and we’ve all got to see little Scotty grow up, so I think it’s fitting if they do a fourth movie from his perspective. Kid was messed up out the box at the end of Goldmember, you know? Forget Scott Evil, I want to see evil Scott!


Fat Bastard

I’m sick, but Fat Bastard is another one of the reasons Austin Powers is awesome. I love this guy! Pay close attention, though, and listen to his voice – you can totally tell where Myers got his Shrek voice. FB is nasty, disgusting, vulgar, gross, hideous … but he’s got some of the most priceless scenes in his movies. My dad still does a “Get in mah BELLY!” routine that slays me.


The Original Songs

Sometimes, a movie’s soundtrack can affect what I think of the film. The AP movies have great soundtracks, but even more than that, I love Austin’s original songs. This one is one of my favorites, I have no idea why. The beats of this and the others just get into your head, though.

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The Painful Puns

These movies have the worst puns ever. I mean it, they are awful. I actually groan out loud when I hear them – which is why they’re just so great. They’re just childish, you know? And, I’m sorry, but hearing about boobs or willies in this manner makes me laugh – just like hearing a little poot sometimes makes me get the giggles.



Goldmember is not the main reason Austin Powers is awesome, but he’s still pretty cool. He’d be pretty typical except for his awkwardness. It’s a bit of subtle finesse in an otherwise in-your-face movie, and I love that. Little touches like that are why I think Mike Myers really is a comedic genius. He definitely has his moments.


Mini Me

I can’t help to love Mini Me the character. He’s just a devious, vile little guy, with ridiculously sweet moments, and I like the contrast. I also love the fact that he never talks, he just makes those sounds. There’s something undeniably cool about him – just look.


It’s Groovy Baby, Yeah

The main reason I love Austin powers and his movies is just that … he’s groovy, baby. I like camp like this sometimes. To illustrate that point, I love Broken Lizard and Super Troopers. I hope they really do come out with a fourth one – but even I will admit, that should probably be the end of the line. No need to turn it into another Saw debacle.

I hate when franchises do that, keep going and going so that what was once awesome is now awful. One of the reasons Austin Powers is awesome is that I myself haven’t gotten sick of it yet. Which movie franchises do you love – or hate?

Top Photo Credit: Pikturz

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