When it comes to movies, my tastes are not what would be labelled conventionally feminine. In fact, my idea of cinematic hell would be sitting through even ten minutes of a chick flick; I’d much rather watch an action movie any day. Here are my pick of the action movies from last year – they may not be great films, but there’s plenty of action.
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. The Expendables
For the action movie buff, this was a treat. It certainly didn’t disappoint me (aside from the pointless cameos from Schwarzenegger and Willis, which could easily have been cut out). Other than that – just about every action star, guns and explosions.
2. Machete
Everyone who saw and enjoyed the Grindhouse movies thought that the spoof trailer Machete should be made into a film. In 2010, that’s exactly what happened. Perhaps it was the demand by fans?
3. Iron Man 2
Robert Downey Jr showed again that he can combine action with acting, this time with Mickey Rourke as the villain and Scarlett Johansson kicking ass. Plus lots of explosions. Well, it wouldn’t do for an action film to be too subtle!
4. Kick Ass
Talking of kicking ass, this film caused some controversy with its swearing young heroine (who’s also pretty good at killing). Kick-Ass himself wasn’t a very good action hero, but that was the whole point of the movie.
5. Bitch Slap
Chicks with guns – what’s not to love? This may not have set the multiplexes alight, but if you like a film that doesn’t take itself too seriously, give this a couple of hours of your time.
6. The a Team
Long overdue for a big-screen version, this had all the familiar elements of the TV series. Again, it wasn’t the type of film you should expect much from, but it provided some undemanding entertainment.
7. Unstoppable
A runaway train with something nasty aboard – this was the type of film popular in the 70s. Gasp as there’s yet another near miss! Cover your eyes as a car gets stuck on the track! Wonder if the heroes will save the day!
8. Predators
Okay, so the Aliens/Predators franchises might have been getting a little tired of late, but they got Robert Rodriguez to direct, and Adrien Brody as the star, so it wasn’t going to be all bad!
9. Inception
A different type of action film, and one that I think I’m going to have to watch a dozen times to understand it. But it made an interesting change from conventional action flicks, even though I love them.
10. Resident Evil: Afterlife
The third Resident Evil film was a disappointment, but this was an improvement. Even though zombies were a bit thin on the ground in this one, there were still some great action scenes, like Alice landing a plane on a roof (yes, implausible, but never mind).
Are there any other action films you enjoyed in 2010, or that you’re looking forward to this coming year?
Top Photo Credit: *Nobodycares*