There are lots of great holiday movies out there, but my favourites have always been the ones with the best New Year’s scenes. There’s something about ringing in the New Year in a festive spirit that just radiates on screen! To me, no holiday movie is complete a scene without ringing in the New Year. Since it’s the time of year now, I’ve decided to share my list of the 7 movies with the best New Year’s scenes!
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Sex and the City
I love this series, and I may also be the only one who loved the movies, so this scene is no exception! It’s so beautifully put together and the song playing in the background is almost magical. What makes this one of the best New Year’s scenes is because it truly shows what New Year's is all about. It’s a time to celebrate with friends, family, loved ones, and a time when anything can happen. New Year’s ushers in a whole new chapter of our lives, and that time should be spent with those who are dearest to us. It’s a time to reflect, and as cheesy as it sounds – a time when magic happens!
2. New Years Eve
The best thing to come from this movie is getting to hear Lea Michele sing. Heck any time I can hear her, I’m happy! This scene with this song is just lovely. It gives me chills every time I see this scene. It’s not just because of her incredible voice, but because of all the different stories it covers. It captures everything beautifully, all the emotions that run through people on New Year’s. The anticipation, the love, the skepticism - it’s the best part of the movie! And that is why I think it’s one of the best New Year’s scenes around.
3. When Harry Met Sally
This is a classic, and that alone makes it a movie with one of the best New Year’s scenes. It doesn’t matter that it’s on almost every movie list out there, because without it, the collection wouldn’t be complete! This scene sparked so many crushes all over the world. We fell in love with Billy Crystal, we fell in love with Meg Ryan (all over again) and we fell in love with the passion. New Year’s really is when anything can happen; the thrill of a celebration, looking back at the year that passed - it’s just everything you could love! I’ve also realized that ‘Auld Lang Syne’ plays at almost every New Year’s celebration; maybe it’s what Hollywood does!
4. Love Actually
Love Actually has a tons of great New Year’s scenes. In fact it’s probably one of the last movies with an ensemble cast that was truly a good film! This movie has one of the best New Year’s scenes because of its delivery. It’s cute and funny, and so perfectly romantic that you can’t help but love it. The combination of the music, Colin Firth’s solid effort to speak in Portuguese and everyone in the restaurant clapping - it’s a beautiful moment! Proposals happen fairly often around the holiday’s and what better way to ring in the New Year than with a fiancé?
5. Serendipity
Sure it’s a little far-fetched that you’d leave your wedding ON your wedding day to potentially find someone you met years ago. But this is Hollywood people, and in Hollywood, people do things like that! Serendipity is one of those classic holiday movies, and has one of the best New Year’s scenes. It’s crazy, wild, yet utterly romantic and sweet at the same time. Where else other than Hollywood would a place like Central Park be completely bare on New Year’s, with only the love of your life standing in the middle of an ice rink? Absolutely nowhere, except for maybe in our dreams.
6. Bridget Jones’ Diary
Ah Bridget Jones, the woman everyone can relate to and loves to laugh with. Not all of the best New Year’s scenes are filled with bright shining lights and a beautifully falling snow! Bridget Jones keeps it real. An ugly vest, a creepy uncle, pesky family members putting their noses into your business - we can all relate! Of course when the mysterious stranger you’re meeting is Colin Firth, you’d be jumping over the moon. But when you’re Bridget Jones, you realize that instead of seizing the opportunity like a normal person, you’ll just talk yourself out of him ever being interested in you!
7. The Holiday
No doubt about it, this is one of my favourite holiday movies. So naturally, I would have to include it in the list of movies with the best New Year’s scenes! The entire movie has the most wonderful atmosphere, and every actor simply shines. I love this scene, it’s so hopeful, so lovely, and you get the ending that you want. I know Hollywood endings have a tendency to make some of us roll our eyes, but when I watch it I have a big dopey smile on my face. Why? Because I believe in movie magic moments happening in real life, and this scene is one of those moments!
Now that we’re all in the mood for New Years, let’s start deciding on what our plans are! I love watching festive movies around this time of year, because it always gets me in the spirit. Watching movies with happy New Year’s scenes always makes me want to run to my closet, find a pretty outfit, then go out and have a ball! So tell me, what are some of your favourite movies about New Years?
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