7 Reality Shows I Actually Enjoy ...


7 Reality Shows I Actually Enjoy ...
7 Reality Shows I Actually Enjoy ...

To be honest, I’m not a big fan of reality TV shows. Every so often I come across a reality show that I actually enjoy though. As much as I hate to admit it, I do enjoy some trashy reality TV shows! I know I’m not alone in this so let’s take a look at seven reality TV shows I actually like to watch.

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1. Catfish

This is probably the least trashy reality TV show I watch! At first, I thought that it was going to be really stupid and something I didn’t want to watch, but the idea of filming people in online relationships is really interesting. The people I know who watch this show get really invested in some of these people, hoping that the people they’re talking to are really who they say they are. This is also one of those shows that people of all ages enjoy watching.

2. Dance Moms

Here’s another show that’s good for all ages! I watch Dance Moms with my whole family and we all get a kick out of it! While the yelling and drama can get really annoying, there’s something that is just so fun about watching it. I also really enjoy watching the girls dance and seeing the different routines every week. I’m not surprised that a lot of people hate this show, but I can’t help but love it!

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3. Be Good Johnny Weir

I love Johnny Weir! For those who don’t know, Johnny Weir is a figure skater. The show follows his life whether it’s skating, singing, or doing any of his other ventures. Johnny and his family and friends are all hilarious to watch and so entertaining! He’s been called the Lady Gaga of figure skating, but I think he’s even more entertaining than she is. I absolutely love him and his show, I wish there were more episodes!

4. The Rachel Zoe Project

Rachel Zoe is wonderful. She’s so funny and has given me and my mother so many little catchphrases that we now use in our everyday conversations. While there are some people in her life that get on my nerves, I still love watching her. It doesn’t hurt that I also get to see pretty clothes in every episode. Rachel Zoe is a stylist and now has become a designer, so seeing her dress celebrities is definitely worth the annoying parts.

5. The Real Housewives of OC

Yes, I admit it, I watch some Housewives shows. I know that it isn’t good TV, but I can’t help myself! I like to avoid drama and conflict in my own life, but I really love watching it in other people’s lives. These woman have so much drama that there’s never a dull moment. While of course I get annoyed at characters and moments in the show, I still love to watch it every time it’s on. I also get really invested in their lives, probably too invested.

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6. It’s a Brad Brad World

This is a sort of spin off of The Rachel Zoe Project and I love it! Brad was one of my favorite people on Rachel’s show, so seeing more of him and his life is so much fun. There isn’t that much craziness in this show as in Rachel’s, but I love them both equally. It definitely helps that there are even more pretty clothes in this show! Who doesn’t love looking at expensive and gorgeous clothes that you’d never be able to afford?!

7. The Real Housewives of NYC

This is the only other Housewives show I watch! I’d say that OC and NYC are the tamer of the Housewives series. I can never decide whether I like OC or NYC better, but watching NYC is a lot of fun since I live in NY. When I pass places in the city and can identify them as “hey! That’s where so and so went in that episode!” it’s so much fun! I’m not proud of the fact that I love this show, but it’s out of my control – I just can’t get enough!

Who doesn’t love a little trashy TV every once in a while!? I try to act like I don’t get sucked into the reality fad, but every so often a show pulls me in. Which of these do you watch? Which reality shows can you not get enough of?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Keeping Up With The Kardashians !

Kardashians! Despite the newer seasons being totally scripted the first 4 seasons were amazing and hilarious

Love made in Chelsea and my big fat gypsy wedding.

I love the shows you listed. I also love The Preachers Daughters.

I hate all of them!!

Not a fan of any of these listed, my guilty pleasure is 'Mob Wives'.

Love dance moms too<3

I don't lk any of the tv shows u listed

I LOVE the Housewives of Beverly Hills

You are totally forgetting about the Real Housewives of NJ... They are better then the Orange County ones and the Atlanta ones too... Ohh and Keeping up with the Kardashians its a really good one too because of their drama...

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