7 Reasons to Watch and Love Parenthood ...


There are SO many reasons to watch Parenthood. I don't know how I hadn't heard about it sooner, but I'm glad I did. I just recently started binge-watching the show on Netflix, and have caught up with all five seasons already. That's how addicting this show is! It truly is a great show and a must-see for everyone. Check out my reasons to watch Parenthood. My mission is turn you into a fan, if you weren't already!

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1. Parents Who Don't Always Have the Answers

Parenthood is great at showing that even the best of parents don't always know what they're doing. Episodes usually end without the problem being solved. I'm sure it's comforting for real-life parents to know that problems don't just go away. It takes time and work to fix them. The Bravermans and their significant others all try their best, but sometimes it's not enough to make everything okay again. This is one of the reasons to watch Parenthood.

2. Sibling Rivalries

Like Crosby once said in an episode, "It's always a competition with the Bravermans". Adam and Julia are the overachievers of the family. Crosby is doing well for himself, but still depends on his parents a lot. Sarah? She's just trying to figure out what to do with her life. These life situations sometimes cause them to judge each other, but in the end, they're always there for each other. If you've kept up with the show (Season 5), they're all doing really well for themselves.

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3. Dax Shepherd

Dax is enough reason to watch the show. I mean, look at him! He's beautiful. He really is (in my opinion) the most interesting and dynamic Braverman. He's definitely changed a lot through out the show and you can't help but root for him no matter what. He's a great actor, and seems like he'd be a really genuine guy. Just like Crosby.

4. The Opening Credits

Every episode starts off with the Braverman clan in the backyard of their grandparents house. They have dinner to the sound of Bob Dylan's "Forever Young" (awesome choice). I love the intro because a lot of TV shows don't care about a 30 second intro anymore. I love that Parenthood cares about it. The intro really captures the essence of the family, which is really important to the fans of the show.

5. It'll Make You Cry

If you ever need a good cry, watch Parenthood. This show has so many emotional story lines. But it's nothing to complain about! Crying is cathartic, right? This show makes you cry tears of joy, and sometimes, your heart is broken. Either way, this show makes you feel. That's what every show should strive to do; make you feel something.

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6. Mae Whitman

I seriously think Mae deserves so much recognition for her part in the family. She is absolutely fantastic in the show. She is my second favorite character in the show (Crosby is number one). She evolves so much and becomes so wise. She's pretty much the sister/best friend you wish you had. She goes through so much and you can't help but root for her. Plus, she's a crazy talented singer.

7. Majority of the Cast is on Twitter

I love when celebs live-tweet their shows. It makes you feel a lot more connected to them! It's also fun to see what they think of the episodes. Lauren Graham, Monica Potter, Dax Sheppard, Mae Whitman, and a lot more are on Twitter, as are some of the writers and, of course, the show itself.

There you have it! These are just seven out of many reasons why you should watch Parenthood. What's your favorite thing about the show?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Great show! Binge watched it in about 3 weeks!

yes crosby is my favorite & love to hate the other ones, what a wonderful and great list!

I already watch and love parenthood

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