The Best Female Buddy Sitcoms That Make You Appreciate Your BFF ...


There are some very funny women who entertain us magnificently via the small screen and in the tried and tested formula of a sitcom. We love female sitcom characters for their goofiness, ineptitude in relationships, for their problems at work, for their special friendships and for their struggles with life in general. We identify with them because even though it may be an exaggerated scenario, we have been there and done that and there’s a pile of t-shirts at the back of the closet attesting to it. Turn on the TV, put on a sitcom and remind yourself to be thankful for great friends (and a whole lot more.)

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The Golden Girls

The Golden Girls is the founding grandmother of all female buddy sitcoms and I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s as popular today as it was twenty-five years ago! The hilarious comedy about four mature women living together in Florida showed audiences that strong female friendship isn’t just a high school thing; it can last forever and you can be getting in to trouble with your BFF when you’re are sixty or eighty and walking with a cane!


Broad City

Broad City is arguably one of the best female comedy shows to grace the small screen in recent years. The story of two twenty something best friends living in New York and simply trying to get by as their professional and personal lives go up and down like a roller coaster is simple but so entertaining. Though the themes sound cliché, Broad City offers something a little fresh and innovative when it comes to female comedy.


Grace & Frankie

Another one featuring a set of mote mature female characters, Grace & Frankie is a made for Netflix show starring two Hollywood legends Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin as a pair of women who are forced to live together when they discover their husbands have been having an affair together! It’s fun and it’s fresh and the sheer star quality of the two leading ladies makes Grace & Frankie and really great watch.



It’s an oldie but today’s fast moving standards, but boy, it sure still is a goodie! Friends gave us ultimate friendship goals for a decade in the mid 90s to mid 00s, with Monica, Rachel and Phoebe all bringing different personalities to the table to create one of the funniest and longest lasting female friendship groups on television. It almost feels like we were part of the unit too, laughing and crying along with every marriage, pregnancy and fat Monica flashback that occurred!


Absolutely Fabulous

Sweety darling, how could I possibly leave out Ab Fab? Whilst Friends was providing us with some wholesome fun, the BFF team of Edina and Patsy in Absolutely Fabulous was showing us a whole different way to put the F in BFF – fun that is! With enough vodka to make an elephant pass out, Ab Fab reminded us that out BFFs will always be there to hold our hair back and dry our drunken tears when it all gets a bit too much!

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New Girl

Though there are definitely more men in Jess’s life than women, the main character of New Girl can always depend on her best friend Cece to swing by the apartment and put everything in to perspective for her. Living with three guys doesn’t always sound like fun, so Jess and Cece are always there for each other when an evening of girl time is desperately needed!



Classic British comedy at its best, this sitcom focuses around the hilariously catastrophic life of Miranda and the woeful state of her romantic ambitions. Some of the funniest scenes in the entire show are often played out between Miranda and her best friend Stevie, always there to give questionable advice and get the pair into even more trouble!

And there’s more – 2 Broke Girls, Doll and Em, Faking It … which are your favorites?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Good stuff..

You still can't forget girl meets world

I always wanted a friends circle like Monica, Rachel and Phoebe. 

How is Laverne and Shirley not on here? 😕

I'm so happy to see that you included British sitcoms!! I absolutely agree with your choices, Golden Girls and Miranda really show you what female friendship is all about and what an ensemble of talented people in both shows!

Haha I still love friends it's my favorite show ever made

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