Food Scenes in Movies always make me hungry! A delectable food scene in a movie is when your mouth waters, you instantly crave whatever sumptuous goodies the actor's eating, and fills you with just a tiny bit of jealousy for it too. Of course, it may also revolt you, turn your stomach and make you gag. However, this post is about delicious food scenes in movies! Very often food is just scene setting and not really anything to do with the movie but there are times that a food scene will stay in the memory – sometimes longer than the rest of the film does. Here is a list of the top 11 memorable and tasty food scenes in movies, just to make your mouth water all over again!
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1. Julie & Julia
If you're looking for taste food scenes in movies, there's one film you must see. A delightful movie that features mouth-watering food from the beloved Julia Child and her American staple cookbook: Mastering the Art of French Cooking. One of the most memorable and tasty dishes which Julie Powell, who aims to cook all 524 recipes in Julia’s book in 365 days, cooks is the luscious bruchetta which she and her husband casually eat at their dinner table. Another enviable moment of pure delight is when Julia feeds her husband, Paul Child, a slice of chocolate cream pie, which he, and we, can’t get enough of.
2. Ratatouille
Oh goodness. The amount of tension and emotional build up to the moment Anton Ego places that first slice of ratatouille on his proud tongue rushes the audience into a world of curiosity, desire and hunger. The dish that brings Anton’s ego down to its knees and accept a rat chef makes this one of the most memorable and delicious food scenes in a movie.
3. Lady and the Tramp
Possibly one of the most romantic and iconic spaghetti and meatball scenes of all time. It may be another Disney flicks, but it set the foundations of meeting two lips with one string of spaghetti. Also, those meatballs looked good – chunky, meaty and filled with the potential for love! Unquestionably one of my favorite food scenes in a movie!
4. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
“Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, the amazing chocolatier” is unrivaled at making memorable and tasty food scenes in movies. The chocolate river: tempting and deadly for all the right reasons. Who wouldn’t want to dive straight into that thick, creamy, gooey river of joy? Lickable wallpaper, the scrumdidlyumptious bar, and my personal favorite: hatching a bird out of a chocolate egg that dissolves in your mouth. I want it now! As Veruca Salt would say…
5. Chocolat
Practically anything that Vianne beautifully makes with her chocolatier expert hands is mouth-wateringly desirable. From the chocolate display in her window to hot chili chocolate, this hot and heady film about the deepest desires brought about by chocolate is memorable and delicious. (And of course with Johnny Depp as her co-star who wouldn’t be swept away on a dreamy sweet chocolate wave of delectation?) All I want for Christmas is Johnny Depp dipped in Chocolate.
6. Pulp Fiction
“Mmm! This is a tasty burger.” If Samuel L. Jackson says so, then it is. The Burger scene is certainly one of the most memorable food scenes in movies, maybe not because of the food, but because of Jackson talking very slowly, and scarily, about burgers. Who knows what they call a quarterpounder with cheese in Paris?
7. Beauty and the Beast
I know I seem to be going on a Disney rampage here but they do have the knack of making amazingly memorable and tasty food scenes in movies. The parade of delicious food (which Belle doesn’t seem to eat!?) during the classic ‘Be Our Guest’ song is one which anyone who’s seen the film will remember. Pie, soufflé, casserole… a whole line of food which comes and goes, and takes our stomachs with them!
8. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
If you’ve ever read the book then you’ll know how sumptuous the food that’s laid on the Great Hall tables every day is. The film certainly aids that fantasy of having all you can eat: roast chickens, potatoes, pumpkin juice and whatever delicious food you can dream of! Those house elves have made it. Seriously, why didn’t I get an invite to Hogwarts?
9. No Reservations
This film is not just about decadent and culinary finesse, but it sure does revel in it. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Aaron Eckhart are two chefs who create the most sumptuous looking dishes. One of the best is the scene where Jones serves a plate of succulent scallops to her psychiatrist. Beautifully adorned with Jones’s character Kate’s signature saffron sauce, these scallops look soft, juicy and worthy of all the praise that’s given to them!
10. Eat Pray Love
A story about finding an appetite for life, this film encourages fulfilling your dreams, love, spirituality and first of all your stomach. Elizabeth Gilbert (Julia Roberts) has had enough of living for other people and takes an adventure by herself to Italy, India and Indonesia. What does she do in Italy? Naturally, she eats! A lot. The most memorable and tasty food scene in this movie is her Neapolitan pizza in Naples. Large, fresh, authentic and so moreish it’s sexy. No wonder she’s given up on men to have a relationship with it.
11. Oliver!
What list of food scenes in movies would be complete without mention of Oliver! The opening song “Food, glorious food,” just about sums up everything I’ve been saying. Poor starved workhouse boys may only have rotten old gruel to eat but it doesn’t stop them dreaming of or singing with gusto about all kinds of goodies whilst in the background their so called benefactors feast on a banquet. Pease pudding and saveloys may not be what we dream of today but to those boys, it was heaven.
Well this has made me hungry. Movies are great at creating what is basically food porn: close up shots of beautifully adorned food that’s so rich in flavor you can taste it through sight. The food scenes in movies serve to entice its audience into remembering how incredible food can be, look and taste. Then of course there are the “bad food scenes” such as exploding Mr Creosote from Monty Python’s the Meaning of Life, but hey, that’s a whole new post; this one is dedicated to delicious food scenes in movies. What are your favorite Memorable and Tasty Food Scenes in Movies that either get you hungry or fill you up with visual food satisfaction?
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