9 Childhood TV Shows That Will Make You Reminisce ...


The good ol' '90’s birthed some of the most magical, lesson-filled, happy childhood TV shows ever. My roommate from college and I used to listen to theme songs on YouTube of our favorite shows that we watched when we were growing up. The tunes alone brought back some of the most wonderful memories. Here are some of my personal favorite childhood TV shows that I hope will make you reminisce as they have made me!

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1. Boy Meets World

Boy Meets World Perhaps one of the greatest childhood TV shows was Boy Meets World. I think everyone can agree with me that Mr. Feeny was by far not only the coolest teacher and neighbor but also a great role model who taught valuable life lessons. This show was so wonderful in every sense of the word – I really hope Girl Meets World keeps the same values, morals, lessons, and '90’s feel!

2. Hey Arnold!

Hey Arnold! Is the intro ringing in your head yet? How about now? I’m still saying, “Arnold!” in my head as I’m writing this. I really enjoyed watching this show and I’m not even sure why I loved it so much to be honest but there was something captivating about the story line, and the fact that Helga was like all of us in 4th grade: obsessing over some guy we thought was the cutest, maybe stalking him a bit, denying we liked him, and maybe making a shrine to him…OK well maybe not the last part…

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3. Powerpuff Girls

Powerpuff Girls The City of Townsville! My brother and I used to watch this show all the time and I honestly wished I were Bubbles! My 4th grade costume for Halloween was Bubbles. I used to talk like her, and I wore baby blue as often as I could. Obsessed? No - *eye twitch* I was just her biggest fan! I feel like the Powerpuff Girls gave young girls encouragement to be super and want to make a difference.

4. Arthur

Arthur I’m going to take you back a few more years: the years of Arthur, Clifford, and all things PBS Kids. Everyone loved Arthur – between him and DW and all of his pals, you couldn’t help but want to watch it every Saturday morning or basically whenever it was on. I hope you went, “aw, Arthur” when you saw this pop up on the list because that’s what I thought when I reminisced about this show!

5. Sister, Sister

Sister, Sister Let’s fast-forward a few years and reminisce on Sister, Sister. The twins are STILL fabulous to this day! I absolutely loved watching this show and also learned so many great life lessons. What happened to TV today? Why can’t every show be like Sister, Sister?

6. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air What a brilliant show. I honestly loved everything about Fresh Prince. This show was probably my most watched show growing up. Uncle Phil was another great character just like Mr. Feeny – both were great role models and I can probably get everyone to agree that Uncle Phil was a great father figure to us all, even through the screen. And of course you can’t forget about Will Smith – brilliant actor in my opinion! Watching Will was such a comic relief; I couldn’t wait to sit and watch marathons!

7. Pokémon

Pokémon This couldn’t be a list of childhood shows without including Pokémon. This show holds a very special place in my heart because it basically defined my childhood (next to Sailor Moon, of course). I remember they had Pokémon action figures and stuffed animals at Burger King when I was in elementary school and I couldn’t wait to collect them all! I’ve probably seen almost every episode from the first few seasons of the show and own a few movies, too. I’m not going to lie - I also used to dream that Pokémon were real and that I was in the Gameboy game!

8. Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Sabrina the Teenage Witch How many of you wished you were Sabrina? I mean, come on! To find out that your aunts have magic and then discover that YOU have magic?! It would be the coolest day ever! This show was also captivating and I’ve probably seen almost every episode of Sabrina, too. Secretly, I wished I had a talking cat like Salem…heck, I still wish that I had a talking cat like Salem.

9. Recess

Recess Shout out to all my Recess friends! The image that comes to mind when I reminisce about this show is an image of my brother and I sitting at the kitchen table, eating cheerios for breakfast, facing the little screen on the kitchen counter, completely entertained by the show. Saturday morning cartoons were always the best and I have to say that Recess was such a great addition to our morning watch.

No matter what your childhood was like, whether it was full of happy memories or sad memories, childhood TV shows will always bring you back to a beautiful time of innocence, creativity, imagination, and awestruck wonder. Which of these TV shows made you reminisce? What is your favorite memory?


Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Very well written intro an conclusion Donnatella! I LOVED the shows of the 90s! So magical and wonderful; miss them :( today's shows are nothing compared to then, zero! My favs were also Saved by the Bell and Family Matters! :D

Love all these shows!!! True 90's kid!

full house!?

May not be a 90's kid (more like 90's baby) but I still loved all of these shows!! Or maybe by then, reruns? Oh well! Great tv!

I miss the 90's music and shows ✌️

the good old days I'm a 90's kid! I'm still watching these shows til this day :)

I agree, the 90's was an amazing decade and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm 30 now and wouldn't want to be today's kids, trying to figure life out in today's generation! out if all the shows, 'Saved by the Bell' was my all time favorite!!


don't forget about Family matters

Yes. R.I.P. Uncle Phil

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