5 Funny Movies about Parenting Every Mom Will Appreciate ...


5 Funny Movies about Parenting Every Mom  Will Appreciate ...
5 Funny Movies about Parenting Every Mom  Will Appreciate ...

As a new mom I have discovered an appreciation for funny movies about parenting. There is no better feeling than when your life is explained in a nutshell by something else. Ever since I became a mom 16 months ago, social media sure has helped get through some rough patches by relating to other moms. But I also found humor and mommy commiseration elsewhere. Between blog posts, Instagram accounts and overflowing memes I knew I was not alone, but when I had the chance for some down time I discovered some awesome shows, movies and books that I totally related to especially as a new parent. These movies for new moms are hilarious and will prove that you aren't alone.

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1. Bad Moms

I loved this movie so much I watched it 3 times in one week! It is about an overworked and overcommitted mother who finds friends that feel the same way. They liberate themselves by going on a carefree binge of long term freedom. The laughter that came out of me provided enough medicine to get me through any mom blues moment. Not only did I feel like this movie was Mean Girls in their 30’s, but it was another female driven movie that proves all mothers are not perfect and their lives are not as glamorous as it may appear.

2. Mother up!

I found this Hulu original show recently and it is an easy to follow animated series with the perfect amount of adult humor. It is about a famous music exec that has quit her job and moved to the suburbs to become a stay at home mom. She quickly realizes that motherhood is nothing like running the music industry, it is a lot harder. I definitely do not think this show is for the easily offended, but if you enjoy shows like Family Guy this one is for you!

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3. Neighbors

I never thought I would be that person who would knock on my younger neighbor’s door and tell them to “keep it down” because they were being too loud and having a good time. This movie is a must see for any new parent that kind of misses their partying days. The movie is about first time parents living in quiet neighborhood with their newborn when a fraternity moves into the house next door. The way this situation is handled is hilarious and I totally get the immaturity that comes along with it.

4. Boss Baby

This movie is great for the whole family. It is about the how a big brother adjusts to his new baby brother, and why it can be wonderful to have a sibling as a friend. I found this movie quite funny because my husband and I always joke that we are not having any more children and our son’s only siblings will be puppies. If you see the movie, you will understand why we think this is funny.

5. Mother's Day

Different types of women (including the single dad playing the mom role), different worlds and lifestyles, but one thing in common-being a mother! This movie will make you appreciate your own mom and probably your life as a mother too.

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